Thursday, August 20, 2015

Adventure at Crawdad Canyon

I just remembered about having this blog and decided that I am going to post a blog about our latest adventure. I'm getting bored with Facebook... Andrew took a whole week off this last week, which I don't think we have had that much time off since we bought our house and Andrew started his job 4 years ago! Side note- Andrew is now the controller at his company, American Kiosk Management. He just worked his way right into that job. He's pretty much amazing. Anyways, we spent our first real vacation in St. George, UT. Andrew has gotten us into rock climbing and he found a little resort place full of various levels of climbs - Crawdad Canyon. It was a nice little canyon that we could climb until mid-day without getting too much sun, which in August in the southwest becomes unbearable. We were able to meet up with some friends, Aubree and Skylar, who were also on vacation in St. George. They came climbing with us one day. We spent our afternoons reading books and swimming. Alana was so funny at the swimming pool. She would get in the water for a little bit, but then all she wanted to do was run laps around the pool. She would sit on the edge and kick her legs to splash me in the pool, but then get up and run a few more laps again. Andrew read 4 different books and I read 2 books while on vacation. Our evenings were spent exploring the city. We spent some time at the St. George Temple and played at the park. It was so relaxing to be able to do whatever we wanted to do and not have to be anywhere at a certain time. We were only committed to ourselves and nobody else for a few days. We did meet up with my Grandmother, Yvonne Lyon, and my mom was in town as well, so we were able to get a 4-generation picture. Alana is sometimes reserved around new people, but she warmed right up to her Great-Grandmother and even gave her a kiss when we were saying goodbye! As we were walking around town, we saw a group of teenage girls with a flat tire on their minivan. Andrew was able to get the spare tire on for them. He felt really good being able to give some needed help. It was a grand adventure and I am looking forward to the next one!